Armoured catfish Sundaland noodlefish crappie powen, squawfish crocodile icefish sleeper shark.


523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA
+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210

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What we do

Panphos offers a one-stop service to operators of commercial, industrial, and large public buildings who wish to use solar rooftops to cut energy costs or to meet the increasing pressure from large corporate buyers and the public to use renewable energy.

PanphosOur Mission

Panphos offers a one-stop service to operators of commercial, industrial, and large public buildings who wish to use solar rooftops to cut energy costs or to meet the increasing pressure from large corporate buyers and the public to use renewable energy. This service includes any or all of design, installation, permits, environmental impact assessments, performance guarantees, maintenance, various efficient financing options, obtaining tradable renewable energy certificates, backup battery storage if required, and help to obtain BOI duty or tax relief. The precise contents of the service are defined in partnership with the client, and Panphos can also help clients who want only advice on design or on supplier specifications. Beyond the frame, each contract is different, and each project is designed with flexibility, in partnership with the client.

PanphosOur Services:  Care and professionalism throughout

Our turnkey service consists of 11 key steps, each undertaken methodically and with attention to detail.  The boxes here illustrate the care with which we approach our work

Panphos drives business savings with creative solar solutions

PanphosStep by step guide to your solution implementation 

For more services information click here

PanphosFinancing Your Solar Investment

Your solar rooftop will probably cost less than you think, but there is a cost, and Panphos can advise you on that. 

Financing models are evolving rapidly, and four approaches are featured in the finance section of this website.

If you invest your own cash, returns on investment are outstanding.

If you need external finance, solutions are available that will ensure that, from Day 1, your payments for the finance will be lower than the money you save on your electricity bills.