What we do
Solar rooftops offer a path to cost savings and sustainability in energy supply. Panphos offers a comprehensive service to
operators of commercial, industrial, and large public buildings in Thailand who wish to use them to cut energy costs and/or
to meet the increasing pressure from buyers and the public to use renewable energy. Costs have fallen dramatically in this
century, and our service starts with advice on the different ways of financing the initial purchase, and how your supply of
free electricity from the sun can start quickly.
PanphosOur Services: Care and professionalism throughout
Our turnkey service consists of 11 key steps, each undertaken methodically and with attention to detail. The boxes here illustrate the care with which we approach our work
STEP 1: Initial Consultation
A simple, free-of-charge conversation to determine if a Solar Rooftop is right for you. We will ask for approximate, elementary details like the size of your electricity bill, available space on your roof, and location of your building(s), and your ideal timetable for installation of your solar rooftop. If a Solar Rooftop looks like a good option for you, we may ask you to send us various documentation so we can review with our team before the next step, the free-of-charge Solar Survey. Let us guide you along the process and help you make the right decision.
STEP 5: System Design & Quotation Proposal
The system design and quotation for system design and contractual frame contains enough detail to let you decide whether to go further. It will include details of monthly savings, target timetable for startup, an outline of the design specifications, costs, and suggestions on how to meet any needs for external finance that you have identified. Guarantees offered by Panphos and our suppliers will be explained in detail.
STEP 6: Presentation on Site
Your first decision-point. We will present the proposal to you face-to-face, answer any questions you may have, and leave you time to take your decision on whether to go further. If you decide to go ahead, we will prepare a detailed contract for signature and a timeframe to COD of the project.
STEP 7: Permits & Approvals
Panphos will take care of all permits and permissions for any projects it undertakes. We have the experience and know-how to take care of the numerous permits required for solar rooftops from various government agencies. Authorization will be required at various stages from inception to commissioning and may include a mandatory environmental impact assessment (EIA). Panphos will start the application process at this stage. Your staff may need to provide information, and we will need signatures and approvals from you, but you can safely leave the licensing and approvals to us.
STEP 8: Construction Phase
Solar Plant Construction – Panphos offers a turnkey solution for solar rooftops. This includes the construction of the plant: solar PV array, wire trays and cabling, electrical connections, electrical modifications, grid connection etc. Again, leave this to us! Of course, we work to the highest standards of safety, including safety of workers and property. Our experienced engineers will be in daily contact with the owner’s representative or site engineer to ensure that the project moves smoothly and as per the project timeline to COD.
For more services information click here
PanphosFinancing Your Solar Investment
Your solar rooftop will probably cost less than you think, but there is a cost, and Panphos can advise you on that.
Financing models are evolving rapidly, and four approaches are featured in the finance section of this website.
If you invest your own cash, returns on investment are outstanding.
If you need external finance, solutions are available that will ensure that, from Day 1, your payments for the finance will be lower than the money you save on your electricity bills.
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